What is the range of the My Location
controls and does it impact
internet transactions?
5-mile radius of the primary device. My Location impacts card-present
transactions only, therefore internet transactions are not impacted.
If My Location is set and the primary device
is off, are transactions denied outside the
My Location area?
It depends. CardValet ignores location information more than 8 hours
old—meaning, if the phone is off for more than 8 hours, My Location
controls do not take effect and the transaction is not denied.
If My Location is set but the phone is left at
home, are transaction denied outside the
My Location area?
It depends. CardValet performs a proximity check based on ZIP code or
city, so if the merchant is close to home, the transactions are
not denied.
Can a cardholder turn on My Location for a
dependent’s card?
No. My Location is only effective for the enrolled cardholder.
To limit the dependent's card, the cardholder uses the Region
Location feature. Set up to 3 regions using the map to designate
the area.
The regions are effective for all users with the same card number.
A region has been set on the map. Does
this mean the card can only be used exactly
in this region?
It depends. The region shows the approximate area where the card can
be used; the area must be greater than 5 square miles. CardValet
performs a proximity check based on ZIP code or city; if the city or ZIP
code of the merchant overlaps with the selected region in the map, the
transaction is approved.
If the merchant defaults to a corporate location, the cardholder’s state
is used.
Do location controls, merchant controls,
threshold controls, and turning the card off
impact previously-authorized
recurring transactions?
No. Previously authorized recurrent payments continue to process and
bypass the CardValet edit checks.
How long does it take for a control or alert
setting to take effect?
Immediately. Control settings take effect as soon as the Updating
information message in the app disappears.
How are controls established for various
merchant types?
CardValet contains specific merchant types used for controls or alerts
through the Alert Preferences or Control Preferences screen. Each
merchant type contains various merchant category codes (MCC).
Note: It is possible for a retailer to differ from the CardValet merchant
type classification. Merchant types currently supported are: Department
Store, Entertainment, Gas Station, Grocery, Household, Personal Care,
Restaurant, Travel, and Others.
How do cardholders turn on alert/control
for an ATM transaction?
The Card On/Off or a Spend Limit control may be used. MCC cannot be
used to control ATM transactions.
How does a cardholder turn off
notifications at certain times, such as when
the cardholder is sleeping?
Set the Do Not Disturb time to suppress notifications.
Some notifications are still delivered—for example: any transaction denial
or any card-present transaction.
Are the alerts sent as email or push
notifications to the device?
CardValet alerts are sent as push notifications to the phone. The alerts
also display under Messages in the CardValet app.
If a cardholder sets multiple alerts and a
transaction violates these alerts, will the
cardholder receive a separate message for
each alert?
No. The alerts are consolidated into one message.
Can the FI turn the low balance alert off?
Low balance alert is controlled on a cardholder level. It cannot be
turned off by client/card prefix.
When is the low balance alert generated?
Even if the available credit has fallen below the set threshold, CardValet
only updates the available credit when the cardholder logs into
CardValet or when the cardholder taps Refresh. Either of these
situations will trigger an alert.
There are no plans to generate low balance alerts in other situations.
Why did the cardholder receive an alert if it
was not set?
Alerts are always sent for:
- Denied transactions
- Deposits
- Refunds
- When a shared user changes a control setting
- Card status changes
Why is a transaction denied for My
Location or My Regions when the merchant
is physically located within
the boundaries?
CardValet compares the geographic location of the mobile device to the
Merchant’s Reg E information sent with the transaction. Occasionally,
the merchant’s address is not the physical location of the
merchant—for example: the corporate or regional address of
the merchant—causing the transaction to be denied.
When multiple users are associated with a
card, who determines the card controls?
Anyone may update the card controls.
When a cardholder sets a control, an alert is generated to the other
cardholder. Since the user name is entered at enrollment, the
cardholder’s name is displayed in the alert.